Music production

music producer using locig pro x

Must know features in Logic Pro X for any producer

In this blog post, we’ll go through a few features that we think are worth knowing when using Logic, for both just starting or more advanced users. These features will...

Must know features in Logic Pro X for any producer

In this blog post, we’ll go through a few features that we think are worth knowing when using Logic, for both just starting or more advanced users. These features will...

person playing a MIDI controller

Small instruments that fit to your home studio

Creating music in a home studio requires smart use of space if you don't hame much room to work on your music. Luckily there are a lot of options if...

Small instruments that fit to your home studio

Creating music in a home studio requires smart use of space if you don't hame much room to work on your music. Luckily there are a lot of options if...

person producing music with a snippet of explanation of sidechain compression in the middle of the picture

How to Use Sidechain Compression: Basics And Be...

Sidechain compression is a powerful tool that can make the mix come to life and it can elevate the impact of certain elements inside the track. Understanding how, why, and...

How to Use Sidechain Compression: Basics And Be...

Sidechain compression is a powerful tool that can make the mix come to life and it can elevate the impact of certain elements inside the track. Understanding how, why, and...

Hand reaching for light bulb that is on

10 Tips on how to get more inspiration in music...

In this blog post we’ll go through creative techniques that have helped us to find new inspiration for our music, and which we recommend you to try, if you have...

10 Tips on how to get more inspiration in music...

In this blog post we’ll go through creative techniques that have helped us to find new inspiration for our music, and which we recommend you to try, if you have...

different colors mixed together

The Basics of Saturation and How to Use It

Saturation is an audio processing tool that adds harmonics and distortion to a sound signal, mimicking the characteristics of analog hardware. Saturation plugins are designed to simulate analog hardware and can...

The Basics of Saturation and How to Use It

Saturation is an audio processing tool that adds harmonics and distortion to a sound signal, mimicking the characteristics of analog hardware. Saturation plugins are designed to simulate analog hardware and can...

music producer pressing knob

The Basics of Compressing: how and why to use it

Knowing how a compressor works is important for achieving professional-quality sounds. Compression is a powerful tool that helps to...

The Basics of Compressing: how and why to use it

Knowing how a compressor works is important for achieving professional-quality sounds. Compression is a powerful tool that helps to...