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10 Tips on how to get more inspiration in music production

One of the most challenging aspects for a music producer is generating new ideas for songs. In this blog post we’ll go through creative techniques that have helped us to find new inspiration for our music, and which we recommend you to try, if you have found yourself feeling stuck with your music. 

1. Listen to all kinds of music:

Firstly, one good way to get ideas is to listen to music. And more importantly, explore different genres and music you wouldn’t typically listen to. Pay attention to the melodies, chord progressions, rhythms, and production techniques you hear. If you can play an instrument, you can try to play with the music and try to find interesting things from the songs. This can give you inspiration by including elements from different styles into your own music.

2. Experiment with new instruments 

This way is good even if you can’t play any instruments yet. Take any instrument you are able to get your hands on and try to get any sound out of it. There’s a good chance that at least after a while, you are able to find an interesting melody or chord progression to start your next song with. The same goes with any software you are not familiar with (if you’re making music in a DAW). The unique sounds and textures you are able to discover can inspire fresh musical ideas.

3. Download samples

There are many platforms that sell samples and some of them are even free. You can download our free Keys I - Mini sample pack and see if it gives you inspiration to your production. Sometimes samples made by someone else will give you brand new ideas.

4. Sample manipulation

Sampling is a good way to manipulate samples, and this lets you create samples that sound like you. This way you are able to make samples you use fit into your music. Try recording and then manipulating for example old vinyl records, everyday objects or even nature sounds. Manipulate these with effects, chopping techniques or pitch manipulation to create unique sonic textures and rhythms.

5. Don’t be afraid to take risks

Experimenting and taking risks are an excellent way to find great ideas by accident. Freestyle or improvise melodies, chord progressions or tempos without judgement. If you record this, you might be able to find later some potential ideas to use in the song you’re working with. Changing a song structure from a traditional A B A B C B to a more rare one can also give a new perspective for a songwriting process.

6. Try something unusual

Explore unusual recording methods to find new and interesting sounds. For example, try using contact microphones, record through guitar pedals, experiment with unconventional mic placements to produce completely new sounds and ideas.

7. Take breaks

Sometimes when you run out of ideas it is good to take a break. You can for example go for a walk, meditate, enjoy nature or eat. It gives your brain time to relax and recharge. Trust us, sometimes thinking and doing something completely different can generate new, fresh ideas.

8. Experiment with tempo and time signature changes

Stop using traditional song structures by incorporating tempo changes or exploring different time signatures. Experimenting with rhythmic variations can create a whole new world to your compositions.

9. Change your environment

If you typically work in a studio or bedroom, try changing your workspace. Take your equipment to a different location, such as a park, café, or just a different room in your home. A change of scenery can help to create new ideas.

10. Combine different genres

Try blending different genres together. For example, combine elements of jazz with electronic music or folk with hip-hop. The fusion of contrasting styles can result in fresh tracks that have never been heard before.

Remember to stay open to new experiences, and trust your instincts. The more you actively engage with different techniques, the greater your chances of finding new and inspiring ideas for your music production project.

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